Archive for » November, 2009 «

In the words of Bon Jovi, "We’re half way there"

My friends, especially to the relativists in the street,

It is this day, this epic wonderful day that we celebrate and gather together with our families in order to give thanks for the many spiritual and temporal gifts we have received.  So, I extend a warm and happy Thanksgiving Day to all of you, dear friends.  Now, hoping that this is not out of style–I shall tell you that I am grateful for:

  1. my faith
  2. my family
  3. my friends
  4. my education
  5. a job doing what I love
  6. poetry
  7. being
  8. memory
  9. Reese’s Puff Cereal (the rentals wouldn’t allow that growing up)
  10. Jerry
There is a certain rambling quality to all things biological, and I am biological, and therefore I have a certain rambling quality.  I would call that last statement a “sequitor.”  
Enjoy your Thanksgiving, whether you’re near or far from your family.  
Happy Thanksgiving, and don’t get caught out there on “Black Friday!”
-The fantastic Mr. Bloch

repartee and a song

while i mostly agree with neu’s previous post re: relativism and applaud his conclusion wholeheartedly, i would like to claim that, despite neu’s case study and carefully recorded dialogue between the catholic and relativist men-on-the-streets, the types of relativism are not so dichotomously stratified. a lot of the men-on-the-streets out there, and even more-so the women-on-the-streets (women tend to be better at intuition and less rashly extreme) out there, do not have such an ignorant, nihilistic apprehension of what relativism really means. a lot of them know quite consciously what neu has only credited them with knowing subconsciously. no big deal, really, but the people-on-the-streets are a good deal more thoughtful than you give them credit for. they have lives and brains too, and i believe that most of them believe in this, even though the next disheveled hipster you meet in the street might not know that’s the terminology for his beliefs.

and, the song.
