The Ever Present Subject of Technology


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3 Responses
  1. Chris Petter says:

    Where’s the like button?

  2. Lord Bloch says:

    I want to marry this hipster.

  3. James Christian Mackenzie says:

    “a long phone call seems not only daunting but also profoundly dull”

    Reading this whole thing made me sad. I hope this person gets over his negative view of contemporary society, stops caring about social parameters in technology (because they hardly matter), and finds a way love the world and the people around him.


    “Was it graduating, the sudden alleviation of the pressure to read critically, think dialectically, and write rigorously?”

    Alleviation!? This is constantly required of all of us, regardless of profession or state in life! If one doesn’t hold themselves to the standards they established in school, is his education in vain?

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