Archive for » 2010 «

Quick Thought In Poetic Form

On Interpreting dreams

I have heard that location is important in dreams.   
Do you have a simple rubric for interpreting dreams; 
I feel like it is more of an intuitive and non-
rational insight-based mode 
of thinking; 
Dreams are like picture frames that your mind
 puts together; that dreams are real 
important and necessary.

The Sounds of Peter Bloch

from my roommate.


I don’t have anything brilliant or insightful to share with you early this Tuesday morning. Rather, I just wanted to say hello and give thanks to you all. As I sit here, watching my 5th period honors students look up vocabulary words, I have been glancing through everyone’s recent posts and I just feel grateful. Grateful to have such wise, caring, cynical friends, who are willing to share their 2 cents about life, bringing a bit of joy into what is sure to be a heck of a week. I consistently come to Peter’s blog, looking for a bit of refreshment and rejuvenation, which I almost always find. So, thank you, for being you, for sharing your view of the world (or just who you think is the hottest literary figure), and for letting us silent viewers *until now* keep a slightly stalkerish tab on your life and the adventures it brings.
