Archive for » August, 2011 «

Not Gerry, strictly speaking, but close

Now I know that most of the posts on here are in some fashion about Gerry, however thinly or heavily laden with metaphors to play off that fact (nice try), but here is one that is about a Gary, instead.

Edit: I removed this link too. Used to be “Gary is a Robot feat. Trackademicks and Mr. Micro (original)” by Amp Live.

Category: It Is What It Is, Jerry, Music  One Comment  Tags:

General Apologies and Harumphing

Harumph rumph rummm

Apologies to you all.  ***as if saluting he looks out through slitted eyes***  Well there aren’t many of you left it looks like.

Actually I’m not sure there is much readership anymore but for those of you stalwart readers and followers, I extend a humble apologie.  I haven’t updated the site recently.  I intend to do that, just as soon as I get some time.  So in the next month or so, I’ll be posting more and updating things and cleaning up.  It’s always very difficult to get rid of your “darlings”.

Oft in the stilly night,

Peter Bloch

Groundhog Weekend – Friday [music/mall]

Draughts in the afternoon and winning leisurely pleasures of the like can not but bring the thoughts often deep pulsating, pervasive.  How can I praise her, how can she be praised?  I dare not disturb the tranquility of the afternoon’s pleasure.  There are more fish in the sea! Why this one or the one before that?

Fall 2008

