New Artwork

Hi Y’all,

Here’s the latest studies and sketches that I’ve been working on this semester.  All of it is just sketches and things for class or just to keep the skills sharp.  This first one is a painting that I did as a “final.”  I try to give myself finals each semester that I teach painting.  I am allowed an hour and a half to complete a still life painting in acrylic.  This one is on a 11×14 canvas board.











I’ve been working on other paintings as well this quarter with the 9th graders.  Here’s one of a teacup that we painted.  We were exploring the effects of warm and cool colors on light and form.









I have also been trying to keep up with portraiture this semester too.  These are of students (they are unfinished two hour demonstration drawings).

Finally, I did attempt to make a drawing of Socrates and the Platonic Solids.  It is as of yet unfinished.

I did one commissioned drawing this semester for a friend, and it is a Christmas present, so I can’t say anything about it, but after Christmas, I will put it up for you all to see.

With love and devotion,


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