Archive for » February, 2012 «

weeds never die

Anyone who has ever been in my company long enough for a silence to ensue may have noticed my penchant to relate amusing bits of news.

Under the encouragement of my liege Peter, I plan to post the most interesting.

According the to following story, Russian scientists have resurrected a 30,000 year old weed from the “placental” fruit of an ancient seed, preserved in the frozen den of an ancient squirrel.

A Draught of Music – The High Road by Broken Bells

Here’s a song I’ve been jamming to all year.  The High Road by Broken Bells (I’m not sure if I got this track from CBrown or someone else…but I’ve been hearing it at Lux a lot too).

Listen on Grooveshark

Watch on Youtube

Broken Bells is a collaboration of James Mercer (The Shins) and Danger Mouse (DJ for Gnarles Barkley).

I enjoy the way the melody can shift between haunting and carnival-esque, and it occupies well the space provided by Danger Mouse’s beats, which tend to be not only spacious but also spacey.  There is a kind of desperation, or inevitability in the song: “It’s too late to change your mind…”



Dates from February 20th

February 20, 2012 – Presidents Day

Here are some events from US history; all occurred on February 20th.

1872 The Metropolitan Museum of Art opens in New York City

1895 Frederick Douglas dies

1902 Ansel Adams, American photographer, is born

1933 Congress Proposes the 21st amendment to the Constitution that will end the Prohibition
