Limiting this list only to sacred art paintings, I’ve come up with a list of the top ten most famous, influential, historical, beautiful, and edifying Catholic paintings. The list is limited to paintings with explicitly religious themes painted by artists for a Catholic audience. In the end it was difficult to narrow it down to a top 10, and you should comment on any that you think should have been included or excluded from the list. Click on each image to get a closer look at the painting. Enjoy!
- #10 Pieta – William Bouguereau 1876
- #9 Adoration of the Magi – Sandro Botticelli
- #8 Madonna Ognisanti – Giotto c. 1310
- #7 Conversion of St. Paul – Caravaggio 1600
- #6 Santa Trinitia Madonna – Cimabue c. 1280-1285
- #5 Christ Pantocrator Icon – Unknown Artist c. 6th century
- #4 The Annunciation – Leonardo da Vinci 1472-1475
- #3 The Transfiguration – Raphael Sanzio 1516-1520
- #2 The Last Supper – Leonardo da Vinci 1495-1498
- #1 The Sistine Chapel – Michelangelo Buonarati 1508-1512
No El Greco, Señor?