Archive for the Category »It Is What It Is «

The Keen Delight by Harold Weatherby and other musings on Aesthetics

This school year I have been slowly making my way through Etienne Gilson’s book The Arts of the Beautiful.  I have been doing this with some other colleagues of mine at Glendale Prep.  We’ve been getting together and discussing the book as part of a “Philosophy of Beauty” reading group.  It was one of my “intellectual projects” […]

University of Dallas Memes

We will play Wagon Wheel some other time…

Terry Gross on God

Off and on I listen to Terry Gross’s “Fresh Air” on NPR. What else is there to do in traffic? Not much. Even if it’s years between listenings, two things stay the same: 1) Terry Gross’s suave and soothing voice; and 2) her blunt way of blowing a not so suave and soothing horn to […]
