This school year I have been slowly making my way through Etienne Gilson’s book The Arts of the Beautiful. I have been doing this with some other colleagues of mine at Glendale Prep. We’ve been getting together and discussing the book as part of a “Philosophy of Beauty” reading group. It was one of my “intellectual projects” […]
Archive for the Category »It Is What It Is «
Category: A Christian Poet in the Modern World, Aesthetics, Aristotle, Art, Arts of the Beautiful, beauty, claritas, consonantia, Etienne Gilson, Harold Weatherby, integritas, It Is What It Is, Jacques Maritain, Joyce, Kant, Pedantriactivity, Peeping Thomists, Philosophy, Plato, The Keen Delight, Thomas Aquinas, Thomist Aesthetic, Umberto Eco
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Terry Gross on God
Feb 2012
Off and on I listen to Terry Gross’s “Fresh Air” on NPR. What else is there to do in traffic? Not much. Even if it’s years between listenings, two things stay the same: 1) Terry Gross’s suave and soothing voice; and 2) her blunt way of blowing a not so suave and soothing horn to […]
Category: Fresh Air, Haggadah, It Is What It Is, NPR, Religion, Terry Gross, William Blake
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