Archive for the Category »It Is What It Is «


Just throwing this out there: I’m still at least 57% convinced that the film was the tragedy of a heroic colonel fighting a mutant blood traitor.


sorry to tone down the stream of pedanticism a.d.o.v. has going here, but the second panel of today’s hark, a vagrant is simply to die for. omg. so good. it strikes me suddenly that kate beaton is the closest thing to edward gorey these days, which is nice because hey, she’s better than most, but […]

Zorba the Greek (Kazantzakis) The main body of fiction I’ve been reading on my own recently seems tinged with a statement that I recall vaguely from Camus: ‘we seek in our art to portray not characters, but situations.’ Cormac McCarthy and Milan Kundera would agree, to a large extent, with Camus’ statement, but Nikos Kazantzakis […]
