Archive for the Category »Wonder «

Remember Remember the Twelfth of November

For that is the fast approaching (6 hrs!) date upon which Richard Wilbur will release his new work : Anterooms Check out the tenacious tetrameters of the title poem:

New Project

Greetings, In light of this Labor Day Weekend, I have decided to begin a new labor, another project. I want to create a series of paintings that have a common theme, I am going to be working with portraiture, which is something that I have little experience with. So far I want there to be […]

Response to "Typical Anne"

I want to respond to Mr. Kane’s most recent post by posting something that has nothing to do with anything he said. Here are two quotes, by two dissimilar poets: John Donne and ee cummings. The quotes are about philosophy vs. poetry and wonder. “[T]he clarity of literal language satisfies the intellect by giving knowledge, […]
