Archive for » October 22nd, 2010«

Diagramming Sentences

Since I’ve begun teaching middle school, my intellectual life has taken a dramatic turn “back to the basics”, as they say.  Well, it certainly has been a turn for the better because through such turning back, we can, ultimately, move much farther forward.   Eugene Moutoux is a language professor…. (somewhere) and he has written several books on sentence diagramming–among other things.

So the main reason I’m posting this is because he has an awesome mustache.  AND I thought it time to share my grammatical joys with my friends.    So, just as we all enjoy taking time to re-read fairy tales and poems from childhood, perhaps you’d be interested in checking out Eugene’s amazing diagramming from basic sentences such as: The people should laugh. to the  intricacies of the Gettysburg Address.

He’s from Kentucky and he also diagrams in German.

Diagramming sentences can be fun.
