Archive for » October, 2009 «

Another Marathon

Here’s the latest from Scranton: I finished the Steamtown Marathon last Sunday. I think my training plan is getting more and more solidified–no running, continual carcinogination of the lungs, lots of late nights, and a gun time of about 3:55:30. No walk breaks this time; I ran consistent nine-minute miles the entire race, lowering my personal record by a minute and a half. Let’s see: if I cut out cigabooze nights, I can cut a minute per mile off my pace, and if I train, maybe I can cut off another minute per mile! Boston qualifying, here I come!

In Memoriam: Bloch-style

Here lies Peter Bloch

A giant man with a tiny smock

that he uses to cover his shirt when he paints

and hangs on the hook when he ain’t

Peter visited us in Irving

but drove away (the car was swerving)

Now we miss him very much

I hope to see him again, and such

Fall Break IV

From Phoenix:
Jonny Rivs showed me some music over the break: The Felice Brothers have an album out now called “Yonder is the Clock.”
Read about it here on their website.

It’s good American music straight out the Catskills.

Fall Break is officially over.  It was a good week in Dallas and I got to see a bunch of good friends.
The Bar is still The Bar, in case anyone wants to know.
