Hey everyone. I just got back from Morocco and here are some of my pictures. You don’t have to have facebook to use the link. Enjoy!
Archive for » 2009 «
Pictures from Morocco
Jul 2009
Category: It Is What It Is
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Guacamole Dip
Jul 2009
This summer I have been investigating the possibility of becoming more domestic. With that possible telos in mind, I have designed a recipe (this is, they say, I vital step in becoming domesticated). Fear not, this recipe involves a plethora of manly things: knives, peppers, eating, squeezing limes, etc. And I don’t give a damn what the pixies think.
Bloch-o-mole Dip
3 Avocados – Cut open Avocados (Jerry recommends listening to Slipknot). Scoop out the guts and put in a bowl. Smile your work to see.
1 Tomato -Dice this tomato and put it into the bowl. (Remember, shorter on the sides and put everything in the bowl hereafter)
2 cloves of Garlic – Dice this garlic. (Vampires? No, you need it to keep those cougars away!)
1/4 Onion – Dice this quarter onion (If you’re Misko, or just that way, use whole onion)
1 Jalapeno – Dice this Ja-lap-in-o. (Just do it)
1 Scoop (small) of sour cream – (optional)
Add salt, squeeze juice of 1/2 a lime, and I feel like I’m missing something…
Mix it up and enjoy with tortilla chips.
If you have things that you like in your guac, I’d like to hear about it.
Category: domestication, food, Guacamole, mas platos
Jerry and Mother Teresa
Jul 2009
An excerpt from a letter in Come Be My Light, the Private Writings of the “Saint of Calcutta” (I highly recommend it to all):
“Three days ago we picked up two people eaten alive with worms. The agony of the Cross was on their faces. How terrible poverty is, if unloved. After we made them comfortable you should have seen the change. The old man asked for a cigarette and how beautiful of God–in my bag there were two packets of the best cigarettes. A rich man gave them to me that morning in the street. God thought of this old man’s longing.”

Category: beauty, love, old man, worms
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