I leave ambiguous, of course, of what Mr. Brown might be ashamed.

Finding my system, and, to a degree,
my disposition, restored by an admittedly decent lunch
served by the purveyors of the establishment,
I was again downcast upon exiting the room
to find a bunch of children staring at a manatee.
A manatee! A cow-eyed nothing with whiskers!
Mother mammalia, who gave us the lion,
the cheetah, the opossum, and the chimpanzee,
how far you have fallen.
Now get out of my way, you slavish yahoo.
You’re blocking my view, and they’re going
to feed the sea otters in a couple of minutes.
So, I’m going to be starting off for Phoenix on Thursday. It’s going to be an interesting trip, featuring places such as Phoenix, Dallas, maybe Georgia. This is it, I guess, so long D.C.
Weird, Nirvana’s All Apologies just started playing, does Pandora know your soul too!?
Anyway. Say a prayer that I make it okay in Benjy Compson (my car). I might call you late at night (James Mackenzie) to help me stay awake. You may receive a gratuitous text message when I head due south out of Roanoke VA (Sercer), pass through the Cumberland Gap (Rivs), cross the James River [blues] (Brandon Misko), cross over the Mississippi from Memphis (Paul Spring), pass Mayhill New Mexico (whatever Quest we were on that year…Spring Break Oh Eight!!), or when I’m baking biscuits on my dashboard in Arizona (Anne). In any case, it will be a road trip…all alone. A few cigs, an energy drink, and some gas.
“Marley was dead: to begin with.” Charles Dickens
Tally Ho!
Peter Bloch
p.s. – I have the madlib from Spring Break, and it’s pretty hilarious. Chris, I’ll get that up and out as soon as I get settled in Phoenix.