Archive for » 2009 «


Possibly the funniest thing I’ve seen on SNL since Chris Farley.

If you like Brandi Carlile, Patsy Cline, etc.

Check out Joe Firstman

His song “The One that Makes You Happy” is like an alt country version of John Mayer.

His other music consists of a more energetic and alternative rock n roll style; overall, Joe Firstman is quite enjoyable.

josh neu’s Abercrombie face

Google Trends

Google trends tracks the number of times a certain word or phrase has been searched on Google and compiles the data on a graph.  Here is what the google-machine came up with for the word Jerry.

Not incredibly interesting but if you search terms like “end of the world” you find interesting results: there are suspicious spikes in the number of times that the phrase is searched in 2008 and 2009.