Hottest Literary Giant

I’m gonna throw it out there: Virginia Woolf was hot. I’m not talking just good looking, she was smokin’. (one need only notice how I pulled off the “g” and supplemented it with an apostrophe to see how serious I am).

Wasn’t she suicidal you may say? Yeah, maybe, but aren’t the good looking ones always crazy?

In this 2010 year, I nominate Virginia Woolf for hottest literary giant to date. Feel free to comment.

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7 Responses
  1. Lord Bloch says:

    You know what, Josh, I've got to hand it to you. I tried really hard to find someone, but the closest I could come would be J.K. Rowling and Sylvia Plath.

  2. John P. Bloch says:

    The problem, Peter, is that neither Rowling nor Plath can be said to be literary giants. (At least, not anywhere near to the same extent that Woolf is.)

    I looked around, too. At first, I thought to look at Jane Austen, but I was sorely disappointed. Then I looked into the Bronte sisters, but they ranged from 'ugh' to 'meh.' Then I tried some less formidable literatrices and found disappointment in both Dorothy Wordsworth and Flannery O'Connor. Finally, though, I found a true contender:
    Mary Shelley.

    What do you guys think?

  3. Peter Louis Kane says:

    Oh man I miss Joshua Mahan

  4. Paul K Gautier, Jr says:

    The Bronte sisters were triplets. TRIPLETS.

  5. Matthew says:

    You are all hilarious and charming. I'm a graduate from Hillsdale College and a friend of Davey Talbot. Who are you all, anyhow?

    Women tend to be more stunning in their youth. I propose Dorothy Sayers.

  6. Marisa says:

    it would be a stretch to call margaret mitchell a literary giant, but she was kinda pretty ( and she did win a pulitzer and write one of the most famous books ever.

    alexander hamilton probably doesn’t qualify either, even though the federalist papers are one of some of the most important writings in history, but have you checked out a 10 dollar bill lately?? the guy’s hot.

    i do have a facebook group devoted hot fictional characters:
    …because this is what i do with my time.

  7. Lavena says:

    I completely agree!

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