Silver DaggerS

All right, I didn’t think that I would have to do this, but apparently there is some retroactive “ring-by-spring” activity going on here.

I want to wish my heartfelt and sincere congratulations to Mr. Peter Kane and to Miss Jessica Williamson best wishes.

Peter and John are going to have to finally bring their shenanigans to an end, much like Hal and Falstaff parted ways.

And now it remains to be seen: who will be next?

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3 Responses
  1. Peter Louis Kane says:

    Does Sercer have a strange picture in the quad with all his friends?

    Thanks, Pete, for the shout out. In my defence, the ST radius has plumed beyond UDs borders into Greater Irving, causing Ring by Spring to infect us Apartment dwellers. It wasn’t my fault!

  2. Cizlar says:

    PETER! How did you know??? The spit dribble has always entranced me…..

  3. Lord Bloch says:

    You’re welcome Peter for the shoutout! As it turns out, there is a strange picture of Sercer with Joe and I …

    Well, I was going to offer the sanctuary of AZ, but since you’re already fallen, nevermind. Ring by Spring hasn’t penetrated into the desert yet.

    Camille, if you want to up your game, then I suggest you become a Red Sox Fan, and have a mysterious gold chain necklace.

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