Ryan Adams – Cold Roses – Delicious

You’ve gotta check it out a two disk delicious production by Ryan Adams called Cold Roses.

I recommend the songs “Magnolia Mountain” and “Let it Ride.”

That’s all,

Lord Bloch

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4 Responses
  1. Chris says:

    You do realize that this album came out five years ago?

    What I mean is, you’re blogging about something that’s been around for more than 20% of your life.

    Which is to say, you should check out Body Talk by Robyn.

  2. Lord Bloch says:

    I kind of rushed the post a bit, but I was aware that the album has been out for a while. Discovering music is good, and so are rediscoveries and reminders of good music. And in any case, since when did we care whether something has been out for 20% of our lives (or 400% or 0.09% for that matter)?
    Thanks for the Robyn, her electropop is fun, like the 80’s will be this year.

  3. Chris says:

    Hmm, I guess you’re right. It’s sort of in the nature of blogness, though, to be novel. It just seems weirder to say, ‘zomg, you guys should check out this guy frederic who does a lot of piano stuff, gosh, what was his last name.. oh, right, chopin — funny name right? serious music, though’ than ‘you guys ever heard of arvo part? fur alina is like the most awesome ev-er’ which is even weirder than ‘ben frost is the closest thing to classical music that exists (was created in and for) in my era that i can intuitively connect with.’ I guess I generally consider the goal of a blog to be to present only what it’s betting a small percentage of its readers are familiar with. But I suppose you’re right, and I acknowledge, that for some listener’s habits, 5 years is a heartbeat.

  4. Lord Bloch says:

    Haha Chopin! It’s easy to read Show-Pagn, but it’s more fun to say Choppin’ (as in chopping some onions).

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