A Word of Hope

Dear Friends,

I apologize for being distant these past couple months, as you may know, I just recently moved back to Dallas, TX.  The move went well and I had started to get my affairs in order when suddenly, like a gust of wind, wedding season was upon me.

I traveled to Pensacola, Florida to witness the wedding of Martha and Jacob Reilly.  They are happily married, the wedding was a great time, and I was able to gather some news about our beloved school.  GGA was one of the main topics of conversation at the wedding.  There is a great deal of excitement and hope surrounding not only the coming year for Gregory the Great, but also for the future of the school.

From the various conversations around the campfire (quite literally around the campfire) it is still as of yet uncertain what the future of the school will be; however, it is imperative for us to remain hopeful, even in the face of disappointment.

So I urge you to continue to pray for the school and to continue to support the Clairvoux Institute.

We have been taken care of thus far, and God’s will shall be done, what ever he asks of us.

In Christ and St. Gregory the Great,

Peter Bloch


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