Archive for » 2016 «

Top 10 Catholic Paintings

Limiting this list only to sacred art paintings, I’ve come up with a list of the top ten most famous, influential, historical, beautiful, and edifying Catholic paintings. The list is limited to paintings with explicitly religious themes painted by artists for a Catholic audience. In the end it was difficult to narrow it down to a top 10, and you should comment on any that you think should have been included or excluded from the list. Click on each image to get a closer look at the painting. Enjoy!


Article on American Realism Movement

Read this excellent article about the contemporary realism movement happening today in Art. This article was shared with me by none other than the glorious poet himself Dave Talbot. The article shares many wise words from a great leader in this movement: Jacob Collins.

Autumn Landscape - Jacob Collins

Autumn Landscape – Jacob Collins

Collins explains: “My general feeling in terms of art making is the train got off the rails in the 1860s and 1870s, and my practical instinct is to go back to where it was, try to put it back, fix it up, and start going again. Our culture,” he continued, “has inherited the idea that if artists are not avant-garde they cannot have a significant role. That’s a fallacy we’ve inherited from some Parisian nut-job radicals. The rejection of beauty is so accepted. It’s high time that we as a culture attend to our beauty position.”
