Archive for the Category »It Is What It Is «

Preview (or pre-hear) the New Fleet Foxes Album

On the NPR site they’ve put up the new album by Fleet Foxes, “Helplessness Blues.” I haven’t listened yet, but I wanted you to have the opportunity as soon as possible! Enjoy! -PB Listen here:  

EWTN Interview with Scott J. Bloch, editor of The Essential Belloc: A Prophet for our Times

“Pale Ebenezer thought it wrong to fight, But Roaring Bill (who killed him) thought it right. -Belloc

Bishop Conley’s Eulogy for Dr. Dennis Quinn

Dear Friends, We owe so much to Dr. Dennis Quinn.  I owe so much to Dr. Quinn.  Without Dr. Quinn I would not exist because my parents would never have met at the IHP program at KU.  Without the IHP program there would be no St. Greg’s, and no Whalens or Bascoms; certainly without Dr. […]
