Archive for the Category »Pedantriactivity «

Burns Banquet

For your enjoyment, the following is a shortened version of this year’s Robert Burns Memorial, the keynote speech and toast at Saint Gregory’s annual Burns Supper. I lang hae thought, my youthfu’ friend, A something to have sent you, Tho’ it should serve nae ither end Than just a kind memento: But how the subject-theme […]


Lux is better than you–it is meta.  Lux (light).  Lighthousing in the Arizonian darkness.  It’s a beacon of fresh crunchy local art, culture, and goods.  This beacon is home to a fleet of ipod computers (called macs or ipads or imacs or something) a place of unbridled free thought for the rare hipster-sapien, and the […]

‘Exstasie’s’ Centrality in Donne’s “The Exstasie”

ExtasieEssay I wrote this for Davies back in the day…UPRIGHT!!!!!!! (orthei)
