Archive for » August, 2011 «

Albert Bloch: The American Blue Rider

Here is the trailor to the perhaps coming out sometime documentary on my great grandfather Albert Bloch.


Peter Bloch

Artist Website

Dearest Dears,

I’ve been working on a professional website for myself as an artist.  I’ll still continue to update and use the artist page on the Draught, but I’ll be using this other website as a professional site.

To get to the site –







Let me know your thoughts, if you please.


Peter Hilaire

You know when

You’ve been meaning to listen to the music that someone recommended to you for a long time?  I finally did that.  I listened to Ratatat’s Album “Ratatat.”

You should try it out.


P.S. – Chris, thanks for the song!  I tried to comment on the post but my blog is currently able to choose between good and evil, and it is willfully choosing the latter.
