Archive for the Category »It Is What It Is «

I hate moving

I made it to Irving (without dying or loosing anything).  After the move, it has become extremely clear in my mind that I hate possessions.  I hate owning things; things are indeed such a burden, and the monks do know best.  But of course, as soon as you get comfortable again…you start aquiring things like […]

Rough Shod Again

I’m rough shod, and not really ready, but here I go. I’m moving to Dallas in about 5 days.  If you’re there, we’ll have to hang out.  If we’re not enemies yet.  It’s been a good time here in the dessert, and I’m very sad to leave all the friends and places behind, but I […]

(SPOILER ALERT) For Greater Glory Movie Review

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but after seeing this review I really want to go see it!
