Archive for the Category »It Is What It Is «

Of Canadian Interest

How have we not been introduced to Marshall McLuhan before? “The medium is the message.” “The content is the audience.” Come on: in this age of the global village, how can we not bring up Marshall McLuhan? Especially since he loved that his famous phrase was so close to “The medium is the massage?”

Crime and Punishment

Questions on Crime and Punishment Book Two A question, adapted from Hannah Arendt (The Life of the Mind: Volume One: Thinking): What does Raskolnikov seek throughout Crime and Punishment? Does he seek meaning, or does he seek truth? Is there any difference between meaning and truth? Think about this: man expresses the activity of his […]

Land Art

Hi all, I have been messing around with Art.  Art messes with me.  Art is kind of like a bully in my life. Remember how I really like that artist Andy Goldsworthy?         Yes that guy. I believe he is a viable response to modern art.  His post-modern/contemporary art is connected to […]
