Tag-Archive for » Domestic Arts «

Burns Banquet

For your enjoyment, the following is a shortened version of this year’s Robert Burns Memorial, the keynote speech and toast at Saint Gregory’s annual Burns Supper. I lang hae thought, my youthfu’ friend, A something to have sent you, Tho’ it should serve nae ither end Than just a kind memento: But how the subject-theme […]

three of three: music in the home!

So this quaint little gem comes from an eclectic anthology of poetry, prose, and good ‘ol American charm that my friend Hannah had in her stash of old books for collaging. I snatched it, and pinned it to the bulletin board in our room. I have no idea who wrote it or the name of […]


Lux is better than you–it is meta.  Lux (light).  Lighthousing in the Arizonian darkness.  It’s a beacon of fresh crunchy local art, culture, and goods.  This beacon is home to a fleet of ipod computers (called macs or ipads or imacs or something) a place of unbridled free thought for the rare hipster-sapien, and the […]
