Archive for » January, 2012 «

St. Patrick’s Day at UD

Get it

What’s good on Netflix Instant View?

So tonight, I decided to take the night off and watch something on Netflix.  I hate Netflix Instant View because it consists of mostly awful TV shows and B-Movies.  I had this great idea for a website: a site that rifles through Netflix Instant View Library and finds the good stuff.  Turns out it already exists.  So I looked around and found a movie that looked interesting enough–a light comedy that is cerebral.  So I ordered some Chinese food (I had been dying for some fried rice!) and started the movie.  It was called “Slacker.”  It’s a 1991 cult comedy movie set in Austin, TX.  It is a series of short vignettes of what it’s like to be a 20-something in Austin.  It was well worth the watch!  I enjoyed it quite a bit because it was entertaining and cerebral.  It wasn’t overly serious or entirely base; it was more of a mix between high and low.  There was a lot going on subtly, and the vignettes held together with a series of common themes.  So the next time you’re on Netflix Instant view and you’ve nothing to watch check out “Slacker.”  Chinese food always sounds like it will be a good idea.

SGA Update

Dear friends,

Please offer up prayers for a special intention regarding the future of St. Gregory’s Academy.

A group of alumni and friends of SGA has made a proposal to the Fraternity.

Please contact me if you would like to read the letter.

The time for prayers is now.  Let us storm heaven.  In all things let His will be done.

In Christ,

