Archive for the Category »Twenty-Somethings trying to find out the meaning of life «

Mount Wonder – a novel inspired by IHP

My dad wrote a novel called Mount Wonder. It’s a romance based on his personal experiences in the Integrated Humanities Program (IHP) at KU in the 70’s. Given how influential that program has been for American Catholicism and with all of the issues in academia today, and because it’s a totally wild adventure, you’ll enjoy […]

In Memoriam Dr. Eugene Curtsinger

It has been a little bit of time since Dr. Curtsinger’s death.  I often recall his class, recall his mannerisms, his stories.  I cannot imagine having not taken his class.  But why bring up Dr. Curtsinger?  It’s not so much that I’ve been listening to “I’ll Be Missing You” or that I own a portion of […]

What’s good on Netflix Instant View?

So tonight, I decided to take the night off and watch something on Netflix.  I hate Netflix Instant View because it consists of mostly awful TV shows and B-Movies.  I had this great idea for a website: a site that rifles through Netflix Instant View Library and finds the good stuff.  Turns out it already […]
