Archive for » September, 2010 «

The In-Between Seasons

Zach Culley (Luke Culley’s brother) wrote a poem about the in-between seasons.  I heard this poem in high school; Mr. Landell read it to us in Logic class, I believe.  I love the in-between seasons.  Here are some pictures from Phoenix in-between summer and autumn.  All of these photos were taken outside of my house in Phoenix in the early morning with my cell phone camera.

Tell me what you think!

Incredible Realist Watercolors by Steve Hanks

I found this great Art blog called “lines and colors”

Here’s a post on there about Steve Hanks, who does realism in water color.


Lord Bloch

p.s. – I’m hanging my show up tonight, and next Friday will be the reception!

And then darkness swept over the plains

Who would win?

Henry V vs. Hamlet

Polonius vs. Juliet

Ahab vs. Iago

Josh Mahan vs. Kate (taming of the shrew) and the Nurse (Romeo & Juliet)

Cleopatra vs. Lady Macbeth
