Archive for the Category »Classics «

Which Shakespeare Character Are You?

This is the kind of thing you stumble upon when you are procrastinating a Shakespeare paper. I happen to be: Rosalind!! Though it can’t count for much– those questions are so strange! Find out which Shakespeare Character you are by clicking HERE!

D.H. Lawrence on Ancient Religion | St. Francis

Lawrence on ancient religion A note of introduction from Dr. Maurer: “Dear people, Taylor has just reminded me to send you this, that yesterday I said I’d send you, some pages from D. H. Lawrence’s book about the Etruscans (about their religion).  It’s from his book called Etruscan Places; and if you like this, you […]

A Tribute to Dr. John Senior

This is an amazing tribute to Dr. John Senior by Robert Wyer (an student of the Integrated Humanities Program – IHP): The original article can be found here   Dr. John Senior was a retired Professor of Classics and a well-known Catholic thinker, of international reputation. He authored The Way Down and Out (1959), The Death of Christian […]
