Archive for the Category »It Is What It Is «

Abbe’s Song by The Vespers

Check out this song, Abbe’s Song by The Vespers, and tell me what you think. Download the album for free here

John Senior Quote for Teachers

A teacher must not only be willing to die for his students, he must be willing to be killed by them. For at a certain age, he loves them more than they do themselves. When they grow older and have pupils of their own, they will pay the price by being hurt themselves. -Dr. John […]

It was amazing!

I went to a Joe Pug concert last night. It was amazing–one of the best concerts that I’ve been to in Phoenix, and certainly the best in a long time.  Joe came on late after two openers.  He came on and immediately started to play.  The show felt personal because Joe would gaze out into […]
