Archive for the Category »It Is What It Is «

The University Shield

As some of you may know, last year an impassioned group of us began a publication at UD called The University Shield. We were largely successful with the two issues we printed and distributed last spring, and so, we have picked up the project once again and are publishing the first issue of this semester […]


Lux is better than you–it is meta.  Lux (light).  Lighthousing in the Arizonian darkness.  It’s a beacon of fresh crunchy local art, culture, and goods.  This beacon is home to a fleet of ipod computers (called macs or ipads or imacs or something) a place of unbridled free thought for the rare hipster-sapien, and the […]

Diagramming Sentences

Since I’ve begun teaching middle school, my intellectual life has taken a dramatic turn “back to the basics”, as they say.  Well, it certainly has been a turn for the better because through such turning back, we can, ultimately, move much farther forward.   Eugene Moutoux is a language professor…. (somewhere) and he has written […]
