Archive for the Category »Higher Education «

Mount Wonder – a novel inspired by IHP

My dad wrote a novel called Mount Wonder. It’s a romance based on his personal experiences in the Integrated Humanities Program (IHP) at KU in the 70’s. Given how influential that program has been for American Catholicism and with all of the issues in academia today, and because it’s a totally wild adventure, you’ll enjoy […]

IHP Reunion: this September

This is probably old news to many of you, but just in case you were unaware, there will be an IHP Reunion late this summer (September 4-5) in Lawrence, Kansas. The event will take place over a few days and will feature A party (of course!) – food, drink, music, and poetry An Extraordinary Form […]

The “A” List of Colleges

The ACTA (American Council of Trustees and Alumni) released a study of at least 700 colleges and universities to gauge an institution’s commitment to general education.  The courses considered were: composition, literature, foreign language at the intermediate level, U.S. government or history, economics, mathematics, and natural or physical science.  The study was released alongside the […]
